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Throughout his career, Nick Glazbrook's focus has been on design quality and personal service---attentive to the details of the architecture and the particular needs of his clients.  His ability to listen carefully and his understanding that the projects belong to the clients rather than the architect, enable him to help his clients achieve and even surpass their goals.


For over 37 years, this has been the hallmark of Nick Glazbrook's designs, regardless of size or building type.  He has mastered projects of great diversity to the delight of his clients.  He incorporates thoughtfully selected materials, well-organized plans and spatial delights that embody the true  definition of human appeal.  His designs are clear in concept and sensitive to detail.  He has consistently received awards and praise from nationally renowned jurors, critics, and publishers.


"Given a set of circumstances and requirements, we'll get the most of that project on our client's behalf.  Clients often tell us that we not only met their requirements, but the solution went beyond their highest aspirations."

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